Thursday, April 25, 2024
While a thousand years ago people considered whales, porpoises, beavers and black geese to be seafood, nowadays only animals under the sea are put in this category. That means fish, gastropods, bivalve molluscs, cephalopods, crustaceans, jellyfish and echinoderms. We...
Small and unsightly, white and black warty lumps lie under the roots of young oaks, hazels and hornbeams and they are intensely fragrant. Above the roots pigs, goats and dogs dig wildly and gleefully when they catch their scent....
A juicy slab of minced meat, which has just left a hot grill with a few brown welts, can satisfy the greatest demands for a perfect taste and ease of preparation. Summer and its long days offer a string of opportunities...
It can settle a stomach after a demanding dinner and temptingly ‘smooth out’ a coffee. In the north of Italy grappa shines out like a star among the rest of the spirits. This means the local vineyards can offer...