Buying handbags for several hundred thousand. Reckless spending, or more a sophisticated investment? It just depends on your point of view. And whether you’re buying the right one.
It’s a wonderful idea. You go into a luxury boutique in Pařížská Street and choose a handbag that has caught your eye. The fact that it costs tens of thousands is just a side issue. For you, it is not just about spending. You see this new luxury item in your wardrobe as an asset, not a debt. And rightly so!
Legends among handbags
Hermés Birkin, Dior Lady Dior, Fendi Baguette, Chanel 2.55. Handbags that are a guarantee of the highest quality work combined with the prestige of the most powerful fashion houses in the world. If you would like to buy one of them, although the average price is around CZK 150,000, be aware that your money will be well-invested. The reason? These handbags simply do not lose their value. Even several years later you can sell them for a good price. Maybe at an auction. There are many auction houses involved in selling luxury handbags. One of the biggest is Heritage Auctions.
Initials and an inconspicuous logo
Maybe it sounds illogical to many people, but it is not always easy to recognise the brand of the most expensive handbags. They have very discreet logos. For ladies who buy luxury handbags, this is not a problem. Quite the oposite. They prefer to pay for discretion. As well as for being able to personalise the bag. For example your initials embroidered on the inside pocket or on the bottom are a very desirable feature that most brands offer.
A work of art
If you have an appetite for a true masterpiece, then focus on Chanel Diamond Forever Classic Bag. It is made of alligator leather, which is set with 334 diamonds and 18 carat gold. Its price is a respectable 7 million crowns, making it the queen of all handbags. Yes, it is a lot of money, but it is also important to realise that their are only a few of them in the world, so owning one is like having a painting by Cézanne or Picasso.